It is shown that in lattices of tetrahedral symmetry with two ions to a unit cell, in the approximation of nearest neighbor repulsive interactions, for a given wave vector q, Σi=16ωi2(q)=1β18M¯r0, where ωi(q)=angularfrequency of the ith mode for a given wave vector q, M¯=m+m(m++m), m+=massofpositiveion, m=massofthenegativeion, r0=interionicdistance, and β is the coefficient of compressibility. This theorem serves as a useful check on numerical work as well as a relation for the downward curvature of the optical modes at small q in terms of the speed of sound. In the limit of small q, this relation becomes the first Szigeti relation. A similar theorem is true for low-density electron gases where the electrons localize on a lattice. Here one can show that Σi=13ωi2(q)=ωpl2, where ωpl2=4πne2m, which is the classical plasma frequency. (This last relation was first derived by Kohn.)

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