Equations of Motion of Nuclear Magnetism

A general formalism from a previous paper is applied to derive an exact equation of motion for the total magnetic moment M of a system containing a single species of nuclear spins in an arbitrarily time-dependent external magnetic field H. Then, the equation is simplified for kT large compared with γH and compared with microscopic anisotropic spin energies but not necessarily compared with microscopic exchange energies. Only this high-temperature approximation is needed for the equation to reduce to dMdt=γM×H0tK(t,t)·[M(t)χ0H(t)]dt, which is valid for systems with arbitrarily long correlations times. The system is assumed to be in equilibrium for t<0, but it may deviate arbitrarily far from equilibrium for t>0. The kernel K is a dyad that depends upon T and upon H but not upon M. The equation is capable of describing nonexponential relaxation and therefore non-Lorentzian resonance line shapes. For arbitrarily large times t, it is valid for, but not restricted to, a many-spin system with strong dipole-dipole interactions between spins in a rigid lattice and with spin ≥½. For a nonrigid lattice, no assumption is made that the lattice is or is not in equilibrium, that it is a thermal bath, or that the density matrix may be factored. Instead, in order to simplify the formal expression for K and thus the solution of the equation, slowly-varying-temperature, high-temperature, and high-frequency approximations are made so that K(t,t) becomes a function of tt only. Finally, the approximation of neglecting the dependence of K on H1 is made, so that K becomes diagonal and equal to a sum of terms each consisting of a simple oscillatory factor times a function that may be interpreted as the correlation function of a stationary random process. The corresponding correlation times need not be short, but for comparison with previous formalisms a short-correlation-time approximation is also made.

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