Validation of a mathematical procedure for computer analysis of flow cytometric DNA data in human tumors

The determination of tritiated thymidine labeling index and the percentage of cells with S phase DNA content was performed on cell suspensions obtained from 69 patients with non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma. The distributions of cells in the cell cycle by computer analysis of flow cytometric data were obtained by two mathematical procedures: the widely adopted Fried model and a new one proposed by Bruni et al. A significant agreement was observed by checking the Spearman index (rs) between the percentages of cells in the different cell cycle phases (G0/1, rs = 0.76; S, rs = 0.60; and G2+M, rs = 0.43; p < 0.001) determined by the two procedures. Similarly, a good correlation was observed between the labeling index (LI) and the S phase values obtained by the Fried (rs = 0.45, p < 0.001) and Bruni (rs = 0.69, p < 0.001) models, but with a higher agreement for the latter one. The S phase by the Bruni model was also superior in predicting LI: in fact, by employing the S cutoff value of 12%, a better agreement between low LI and low S phase or high LI and high S phase was observed with the Bruni procedure (90%) than with the Fried model (72%). Finally, the analysis of the prognostic significance of the different kinetic variables confirmed the prognostic relevance of LI at any time; the S phase percentage as determined by Bruni et al. was discriminant of survival only at shorter times, and no prognostic significance could be ascribed to S phase according to the Fried procedure.