The use of multiple-item scales for pain intensity measurement in chronic pain patients

-point numerical rating scales, of worst, least, and usual pain during the previous 2 wks, and of their current pain. A series of correlation coefficients were computed and regression analyses were performed to determine the individual or composite measures that best predicted actual average pain intensity. Consistent with previous research, the best single predictor of actual average pain intensity was patient rating of least pain in the previous 2 wks. Of all possible composites of usual, least, worst, and current pain ratings, the arithmetic mean of least and usual pain had the strongest relationship to actual average pain. The inclusion of ratings of most pain or current pain in any composite score actually weakened the relationship between the composite score and actual average pain intensity. These results suggest that, when clinicians or researchers wish to assess average pain among chronic pain patients, but cannot obtain multiple measures of pain over time, the most valid measure would be the arithmetic mean of patient-recalled least and usual pain. *Corresponding author: Mark P. Jensen, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Box 356490, Seattle, Washington 98195-6490, USA. Submitted March 7, 1995; accepted February 28, 1996. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers....