Life cycles of Ceratomyxa, Myxidium, Myxobolus, Sphaeromyxa, and Henneguya are shown graphically. During mitosis in Ceratomyxa, centrioles are produced by the pinching off of a small part of the karyosome rather than by the entire karyosome. In another sp. of the same genus, the karyosome divides to form 2 centrioles. Amitosis possibly occurs in Myxosporidia during the rapid multiplication of vegetative nuclei. After sporulation, the 2 haploid sporoplasm nuclei remain apart until the migration of the parasite from the digestive tract before they unite to form a zygote. Sporo-blast and spore formation are discussed. Chromatic reduction in the spore usually occurs with the last division in sporogony. The parasite is a multicellular body with a division of labor and with interdependence among the somatic cells.