Partial X chromosome trisomy with functional disomy of Xp due to failure of X inactivation

A 5‐month‐old girl with mild phenotypic abnormalities, developmental delay, and seizures was found to have the de novo kary‐otype 46,XX,−13,+der(13)t(X;13)(p21.2;p11.1). The partial trisomy of Xp21.2 → pter was confirmed with fluorescence in situ hybridization, using an X chromosome painting probe and several cosmid and YAC probes for Xp sequences. Replication banding showed that one of the structurally normal X chromosomes was late‐replicating, but that the Xp segment of the der(13) was early‐replicating in all cells examined. Since segments of the X chromosome separated from the X inactivation center in Xql3.2 cannot undergo X inactivation, the result is functional disomy of distal Xp. As the loss of short arm material from chromosome 13 is not considered to be clinically significant, the genomic imbalance of Xp expressed in this patient most likely accounts for her abnormal phenotype.

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