Measurement of the charge-density-wave correlation length inNbSe3by high-resolution x-ray scattering

We have measured the correlation length of the q1 charge-density wave in NbSe3 using high-resolution x-ray scattering. For a heavily Ta-doped crystal having a residual resistivity ratio rR of 10, the T=77 K correlation lengths parallel and transverse to the quasi-one-dimensional b* direction are lb*≊0.9 μm and la*≊0.1 μm, respectively. For an undoped crystal (rR≊300), we obtain lower bounds lb*≊2.5 μm and la*≊1.9 μm, the latter value being comparable to the thickness of typical crystals. These results are in excellent agreement with a recent weak-impurity-pinning analysis of finite-size effects observed in transport properties.