A review of the literature reveals that Bacteroides caused infections in human beings are not infrequent. It is our impression that the incidence of infections and septicemia due to Bacteroides is probably much greater than that reported. These organisms are normal inhabitants of the mucous membranes of the body, and injury of mucosal surfaces, such as may occur in a ruptured appendix, may result in localized or widespread infections due to Bacteroides. If the blood stream is invaded, septicemia may result with metastatic abscesses, and the outlook becomes exceedingly grave. Eighteen cases of Bacteroides-caused infection have been observed at John Gaston Hospital in the past five years. This report is concerned only with 2 cases of septicemia due to Bacteroides funduliformis treated with aureomycin hydrochloride. Castellani and Chambers1in 1919 proposed the designation Bacteroides for a large group of anaerobic, nonsporulating bacilli. The 1939 edition of "Bergey's Manual of