Connectivity of the auditory forebrain nuclei in the Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris)

Injection of tritiated leucine and proline into the nucleus ovoidalis of the Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) produces terminal labeling in the palaeostriatum and in three adjacent zones (field L1–L3) of the auditory neostriatum (AN). L2, situated between L1 and L3, receives the main input and corresponds to the former field L of Rose. These neuroanatomically defined zones of the auditory neostriatum are also characterized by differing properties of their neurons. Injection of radioactive material into the auditory neostriatum produces labeling of (i) a palaeostriatal, (ii) a ventral hyperstriatal, and (iii) an additional neostriatal area (Nd). Injection into the hyperstriatum ventrale reveals connections (i) to field L2, (ii) to the palaeostriatum, (iii) to Nd, and (iv) to the archistriatum. After injection into the palaeostriatum, labeling can be observed (i) in the neostriatum dorsale, (ii) in the hyperstriatum ventrale, (iii) in the archistriatum, (iv) in the diencephalic nuclei, nucleus ansae lenticularis and nucleus spiriformis lateralis, and (v) in the mesencephalic nuclei, nucleus tegmenti pedunculo-pontinus and nucleus intercollicularis. These results show that a widespread connectivity exists among primary and presumably higher order auditory areas in the forebrain of birds. Connections also exist between these auditory areas and presumed vocal-motor areas (neostriatum dorsale, archistriatum, nucleus intercollicularis).