1 K+ contractures, caffeine contractures and electrical properties were studied in slow (posterior latissimus dorsi; p.l.d.) and fast (anterior latissimus dorsi; a.l.d.) chicken muscles. 2. P.l.d. K+ contractures show a transient increase of tension that relaxes spontaneously. Contractures in a.l.d. show an initial component followed by a maintained tension. 3. A.l.d. K+ contractures of similar amplitude and time course were reproduced at 4 min intervals. In p.l.d., the interval needed for full recovery is about 30 min. In Cl-free saline p.l.d. and a.l.d. K+ contractures can be reproduced at 4 min intervals. 4. The time course of repolarization after a short exposure to 160 mM-KCl was much slower in p.l.d. than in a.l.d. In Cl-free saline the time course of repolarization becomes faster in p.l.d. 5. The membrane resistance was not modified in a.l.d. and was increased in p.l.d. by Cl-free saline. The calculated Cl- conductance in p.l.d. was about 70% of the total membrane conductance. 6.In a.l.d., Mn2+, D600 and external Ca2+ reduction greatly diminishes the maintained phase of the K+ contracture leaving the initial phase almost unmodified. Under similar conditions p.l.d. K+ contractures were slightly reduced. 7. P.l.d. caffeine contractures (10-40 mM) were not maintained and they were not modified by Ca-free saline, Cd2+, Co2+, Mn2+ and D600. 8. A.l.d. caffeine contractures (2-15 mM) were maintained and were highly dependent on external Ca2+. In addition they were greatly reduced by Cd2+, Co2+, Mn2 and D600. 9. It is suggested that caffeine contractures of a.l.d. are elicited by a Ca2+ entry into the muscle from the external fluid.