Capillary Electrophoresis Micro X-ray Fluorescence: A Tool for Benchtop Elemental Analysis

A new tool was developed for separation and elemental detection by interfacing a simple capillary electrophoresis (CE) apparatus, constructed using a thin-walled fused-silica capillary, with a benchtop energy-dispersive micro X-ray fluorescence (MXRF) system. X-ray excitation and detection of the separated analytes was done using an EDAX Eagle II micro X-ray fluorescence system equipped with a polycapillary Rh target excitation source and a SiLi detector. It was demonstrated that this prototype system could be used for the separation and detection of species containing two different metals from one another, specifically Cu and Co. Free Co could also be separated from Co bound to cyanocobalamin (vitamin B-12). Two organic compounds were also separated from one another, a large biological protein, ferritin, from a small biological organic, cyanocobalamin. Preliminary average detection limits obtained on this system were on the order of 10-4 M and compared favorably to those reported for the similar technique of CE-synchrotron XRF. CEMXRF allows for nondestructive, simultaneous, on-line, benchtop elemental analysis for chemical speciation applications.

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