Preliminary neuropsychological test results

A series of information processing tasks was administered to 22 PKU children aged 8.5 years who had been under dietary treatment since birth as well as to 20 controls of the same age. This contribution presents the results of two tasks from this series: a continuous performance task and a calculation task. The continuous performance task revealed a sustained attention deficit in the PKU group. In the calculation task the PKU children were slower than the controls and this difference increased with task difficulty. When the PKU sample was divided in two groups (above and below the median value of the concurrent plasma Phe level), the high Phe level group performed much worse in comparison to the low Phe level group. The latter group actually matched performance level of the controls. This could be observed for both tasks. The serum Phe level, assessed since birth over 6 month periods, correlated highly with task performance. As regards sustained attention, the Phe level measured during the 2 years preceeding test administration appeared to be an even better predictor for task performance than the concurrent Phe level, a finding which seems to underline the chronic effect of Phe on basic attention mechanisms. The results so far seem to stress the value of well-controlled dietary restrictions.