Blood pressure measurement in research

The aim of this paper is to summarize the issues raised during a consensus conference on the role of different blood pressure (BP) monitoring techniques in research, including pathophysiological studies, clinical outcome trials and clinical pharmacology trials. This review includes the contribution of the participants in a task force at the Eighth Consensus Conference on Ambulatory BP Monitoring (October 28–31, 2001, Sendai, Japan) and the results of a discussion open to all conference participants. Individual contributions have been summarized together with the points raised during the subsequent discussion, and the main statements are also presented in a table format. (1) BP monitoring in pathophysio-logical studies. The essential role played by continuous BP monitoring in this field had been acknowledged, and further development of non-invasive beat-by-beat monitoring techniques has been advocated. (2) BP monitoring in clinical trials. In clinical trials automated ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) and self BP measurements (SBPM) at home share similar advantages, with specific features that make these approaches not alternative solutions but rather approaches able to complement each other. A few examples of application of ABPM and SBPM in clinical trials include the Treatment of Hypertension according to Home or Office Blood Pressure (THOP) trial and the Trial of Preventing Hypertension (TROPHY). (3) Use of ABPM in clinical pharmacology studies. Use of ABPM is now an established routine, aimed at describing the 24-h effect of new antihypertensive drugs. An example of these applications that was discussed in the conference is the use of ABPM in the evaluation of a new long-acting calcium channel blocker (Barnidipine) (J-MUBA study). (4) Specific models for the analysis of BP fluctuations. The features characterizing the chronobiological approach to description of 24-h BP profiles and its limitations (mainly consisting of the high risk of data over-modelling) are discussed. Also the possible occurrence of a circaseptan (approximately with a 7-day period) rhythm in BP has been addressed, although repeated performance of 24-h ABPM over a week obviously faces a number of practical problems. (5) Progress in technology:BP monitoring and telemedicine. The possibility to implement an interactive telemonitoring system of home SBPM values and the perspectives for a clinical application of this technology in the Hypertension Objective treatment based on Measurement by Electrical Devices of Blood Pressure (HOMED-BP) trial is discussed.