A Live Attenuated H7N7 Candidate Vaccine Virus Induces Neutralizing Antibody That Confers Protection from Challenge in Mice, Ferrets, and Monkeys

A live attenuated H7N7 candidate vaccine virus was generated by reverse genetics using the modified hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of highly pathogenic (HP) A/Netherlands/219/03 (NL/03) (H7N7) wild-type (wt) virus and the six internal protein genes of the cold-adapted (ca) A/Ann Arbor/6/60ca(AAca) (H2N2) virus. The reassortant H7N7 NL/03cavaccine virus was temperature sensitive and attenuated in mice, ferrets, and African green monkeys (AGMs). Intranasal (i.n.) administration of a single dose of the H7N7 NL/03cavaccine virus fully protected mice from lethal challenge with homologous and heterologous H7 viruses from Eurasian and North American lineages. Two doses of the H7N7 NL/03cavaccine induced neutralizing antibodies in serum and provided complete protection from pulmonary replication of homologous and heterologous wild-type H7 challenge viruses in mice and ferrets. One dose of the H7N7 NL/03cavaccine elicited an antibody response in one of three AGMs that was completely protected from pulmonary replication of the homologous wild-type H7 challenge virus. The contribution of CD8+and/or CD4+T cells to the vaccine-induced protection of mice was evaluated by T-cell depletion; T lymphocytes were not essential for the vaccine-induced protection from lethal challenge with H7wtviruses. Additionally, passively transferred neutralizing antibody induced by the H7N7 NL/03cavirus protected mice from lethality following challenge with H7wtviruses. The safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of the H7N7 NL/03cavaccine virus in mice, ferrets, and AGMs support the evaluation of this vaccine virus in phase I clinical trials.

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