1. Saccharomyces carlsbergensis cells were found to store about 10% of the glucose taken up as glycogen during oscillatory glycolysis. 2. Under the same conditions and during all phases of carbohydrate limited growth, glycogen synthase (E.C., in the absence of glucose 6-phosphate, had only 5–20% activity compared to the activity in the presence of 10 mM of the effector, indicative for the D-form of the enzyme. 3. Inorganic phosphate (intracellular concentration 19–23 μmoles/g yeast) strongly inhibited glycogen synthase both in the absence of glucose 6-phosphate and competitively to this effector. 4. In this yeast, the D-form of glycogen synthase had to be active to account for the high rate of glycogen synthesis. The resulting sensitivity to glucose 6-phosphate may lead to a pulsatory action of the enzyme during oscillatory glycolysis.