Ring-current effects in C60
- 1 February 1987
- journal article
- Published by Springer Nature in Nature
- Vol. 325 (6107) , 760-761
- https://doi.org/10.1038/325760a0
No abstract availableThis publication has 10 references indexed in Scilit:
- Icosahedral C60: an aromatic molecule with a vanishingly small ring current magnetic susceptibilityNature, 1987
- Electronic structure and bonding in icosahedral C60Chemical Physics Letters, 1986
- Resonance in C60 buckminsterfullereneJournal of the American Chemical Society, 1986
- C120 and C60: Archimedean solids constructed from sp2 hybridized carbon atomsChemical Physics Letters, 1985
- C60: BuckminsterfullereneNature, 1985
- Calculated magnetic properties of some isomers of pyracyleneThe Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1981
- On the use of the ring current conceptMolecular Physics, 1980
- Some comments on the use of the "ring-current" concept in diagnosing and defining "aromaticity"Published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH ,1980
- Ring current theories in nuclear magnetic resonanceProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 1979
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