Fast-neutron scattering from indium

Broad-resolution neutron total cross sections of elemental indium were measured over 0.8-4.5 MeV at intervals of <or approximately=50 keV. Differential neutron elastic-scattering cross sections were measured over 1.5-3.8 MeV at intervals of <or approximately=50 up to 100 keV, at 10-20 scattering angles distributed between 20 and 160 degrees. (n,n' gamma ) measurements were made for neutron energies of 0.86-2.4 MeV at intervals of approximately=100 keV and at a gamma-ray emission angle of 55 degrees . The gamma-ray results were associated with the excitation of 36 levels in indium and were used to deduce the neutron inelastic-scattering cross sections for levels by excitation energies of approximately=1.9 MeV. The experimental results are discussed in terms of the optical-statistical model and the characteristics of the excited levels of indium.