Efferent neurons of the deeper layers of the cat's superior colliculus were stained with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to demonstrate patterns of somatodendritic morphology and axonal trajectory. A combination of somatodendritic and axonal features of the HRP‐labeled cells revealed the existence of three major groups of tectal efferent neurons (X, T, and I). X neurons are mostly large and multipolar and participate in the crossed descending and ipsilateral ventral ascending projections of the superior colliculus. The X group includes multipolar radiating (X1), tufted (X2), large vertical (X3), medium‐sized vertical (X4), and medium‐sized horizontal (X5) neurons. T neurons participate in one or two of the major tectofugal bundles (medial descending ipsilateral, lateral descending ipsilateral, medial dorsal ascending, crossed descending) besides providing a commissural branch. They also issue recurrent collaterals distributed within a more or less restricted area of the deeper layers. The T group includes medium‐sized, trapezoid, radiating (T1) and small or mediumsized, ovoid, vertical (T2) neurons. I neurons participate in the ipsilateral descending projection of the superior colliculus. They are small, triangular or ovoid, sparsely ramified cells that provide long, varicose collaterals irregularly distributed within the deeper layers. The majority of T neurons are located in the ventral stratum opticum or dorsal stratum griseum intermedialem, X3 and X5 neurons are situated immediately below in the dorsal stratum griseum intermediale, while X1, X2, X4, and I neurons are indiscriminately distributed within the deeper layers. The polythetic classification presented here provides a conceptual framework for the description of tectal efferent neurons. It is open‐ended and can thereby accomodate new cells types as indicated by the disclosure of a small horizontal (A) and a small radiating (unclassified) neuron. Moreover, it does not preclude the construction of alternate taxonomies. A dendro‐architectonic classification into four groups [vertical (X3, X4, T2, I), horizontal (X5, A), radiating (X1, T1, I), and tufted (X2)] can be made and would relate to the mode of integration of various tectopetal inputs. A classification based on the dorsoventral location of tectal efferent neurons is also possible and would relate to the dorsoventral distribution of neurons with specific response properties.