LSD Use Among US High School Students

To the Editor. —We have recently presented data1from our annual survey of 522 328 junior and senior high school students from schools across the United States. This anonymous questionnaire on the prevalence of drug use was administered to all junior and senior students attending home rooms in these schools in 1993, and results were compared with 1992. Hallucinogen use increased significantly (P<.01,ttest), from 4.9% to 5.3%. Also, 83% of hallucinogen users reported most often getting "very high" or "bombed/stoned" when they used hallucinogens, as compared with 24% of beer drinkers, 66% of marijuana smokers, and 74% of cocaine users. Our experience suggests that many young people believe that cocaine is very dangerous. However, these same young students appear to believe that LSD is "spiritually uplifting." In our survey, 55% of high school seniors believed that trying LSD a few times is not harmful. These data