Optical Guides In CR 39 Irradiated By Ion Beams

The paper deals with the increase of refractive index of polyallyl diethylenglycol carbonate (CR 39) when irradiated by proton beams at 300 keV, with th the fluence range (5 10 13 - 5 10 15 protons cm -2). Such irradiations lead to refractive indexincreases which can reach 8%, depending on the fluence of the beam, the initial value being close to 1.493. As the irradiated samples become optical waveguides, integrated optic methods enable us to study the index variations; the effective index values were obtained by means of the m-lines method. These values were then used to calculate the index profil2 by inverse WKB method. An attenuation of about 2 db cm 14 was measured for an irradiation of 10 protons cm . It was also noted that the attenuation increases with the ion beam fluence. On the other hand, the number of guide modes depends on the beam fluence and the variation of effective index versus fluence is given. Many considerations lead to consider that the index variation is mainly due to energy transfer all along the proton path. This is in good agreement with the comparison of the stopping power curve as a function of depth penetration and that of the index profile.© (1989) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.

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