The magnetic circular dichroism of KBr : In +

Measurements of the magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) in the A, B and C bands of KBr: In+ have been made over a wide temperature range 5 to ∼180 K. An analysis of the moments of these MCD spectra and of the absorption spectra of the same crystals, yields the values of the coupling constants to lattice modes of A 1g , Eg and T 2g symmetry for both the singlet and triplet T 1u states of the a 1g t 1u configuration. A knowledge of these parameters permits an ab initio calculation of the MCD line shape in the semiclassical approximation, the results of which are in generally good agreement with the experimental data. The temperature-dependence of the effective g-factor for the A band has been observed for the first time in such systems and an analysis of this provides an approximate value for g for the triplet state.