The 2nd edition of Wild Mammals of North America (WM IT) is an ambitious volume. Weighing in at 2.67 kg (the 1st edition—WM I—was 1.99 kg), this book is a larger format than the 1st edition (22.4 x 28.2 cm compared with 18.9 x 26.3 cm) and is 69 pages longer; the price has more than tripled (but remains under $0.07/p.). Much has been learned in the intervening 22 years, however, so perhaps these quantitative differences are to be expected. What about the qualitative? The first edition of this book (Chapman and Feldhamer 1982) was met with positive reviews (e.g., Jones 1983; Koplin 1983; Seidensticker 1983) and has been a stalwart in many libraries for a number of years. I beheve the 2nd edition will carry on this tradition.