The cognitive development of pre-school children treated for chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure in young children is associated with impaired cognitive development, but recent studies present a more optimistic perspective. An important question is whether the earlier initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT) might prevent the reported developmental retardation. The cognitive development of 31 patients (age P<0.01) than those on dialysis. The effect of starting dialysis treatment appeared to be positive, but only a significant short-term improvement was observed. Follow-up evaluation of 7 patients on conservative treatment and of 9 dialysis patients over a 2-year period did not show any significant change in a positive or negative direction. The present study revealed that pre-school dialysis patients are at risk with respect to their cognitive development. This is particularly true for the group with concomitant disorders. Less severe disease in the group on conservative treatment may be assumed to be a positive contributing factor to the more normal performance of these patients. No evidence was found to support the hypothesis that the earlier initiation of dialysis treatment will have a beneficial effect on development.