Electrophysiological Changes in the Heart of Children with Bronchial Asthma during the Acute Attack and Later during Remission

Electrocardiographic and vectorcardiographic changes in the heart were evaluated in 14 children with bronchial asthma during the acute attack and later during remission. Many more abnormalities were noted on the vectorcardiograms as compared to electrocardiograms. The abnormalities noted were in closer relationship to the particular attack rather than to the severity of asthma as revealed by history. Three patients showed evidence of right atrial enlargement during the acute attack, and all of them returned to normal during remission. Ten patients had abnormal orientation of QRS loop on vectorcardiogram during the acute attack, and of these, seven patients continued to have the abnormality during remission. Of the ten patients, five had evidence suggestive of left ventricular enlargement during the acute attack, and all returned to normal during remission. This finding was very intriguing and the possible explanations are discussed.