Über die Säurehydrolyse der Desoxyriboside und Riboside

In acid hydrolysis desoxyribose is split off from 5-halogenuracildesoxyribosides some 3-4 times faster than from thymine desoxyriboside (TdR) or uracil desoxyriboside. Under the same conditions cytosine desoxyriboside is hydrolyzed 16 times more rapidly. In contrast, the ribose in cytidine is several times more firmly bound than in uridine. In TdR dimeres, the stability of the N-glucosidic linkage is greatly decreased by saturation of the 5,6-double bond. These results furnish evidence concerning the electron density distribution in the pyrimidine ring and with a chemical basis for the mutagenic behavior of desoxyribosides which differ from the normal.