Motor functional MRI for pre-operative and intraoperative neurosurgical guidance

Functional MRI (fMRI) may provide a means of locating areas of eloquent cortex that can be used to guide neurosurgeons in their quest to maximize intracerebral tumour resection whilst minimizing post-procedural neurological deficits. This work aimed to develop and provide an initial assessment of such a technique. 19 patients with mass lesions close to the primary motor cortex underwent fMRI at 1.5T. A single shot echo planar technique was used to acquire data corresponding to right and left hand movement. Resultant activation maps were used to aid pre-surgical planning. Data was used in conjunction with an intraoperative navigation system in 13 cases. Activation was attributed to primary motor, primary somatosensory or supplementary motor cortex in 17 of 19 subjects. No permanent changes in motor deficit were detected post surgery. The additional information provided by fMRI, particularly when incorporated into a neuronavigation guided craniotomy, was deemed highly valuable to the neurosurgeon as it enabled safe resection of tumour in anatomical locations previously deemed to be too high risk for safe resection using conventional (non-fMRI-guided) technique. This observation is reinforced by the fact that no patients suffered permanent neurological deficit after radical tumour debulking (surgical estimates >90% tumour resection).

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