Apprenticing Adolescent Readers to Academic Literacy

Numbers of students in secondary schools who do not read well. In response, com-mitted and well-meaning educators are increasingly advocating remedial reading courses for struggling adolescent readers. In this article, Cynthia Greenleaf, Ruth Schoenbach, Christine Cziko, and Faye Mueller offer an alternative vision to re-medial reading instruction. The authors describe an instructional framework, Reading Apprenticeship, that is based on a socially and cognitively complex conception of literacy, and examine an Academic Literacy course based on this framework. They demonstrate that academically underperforming students partic-ipating in the Academic Literacy course gained on average what is normally two years of reading growth within one academic year on a standardized test of read-ing comprehension. They argue for investing resources and effort into demystifyi-ng academic reading for their students through ongoing, collaborative inquiry into reading and texts, while providing students with protected time for reading and access to a variety of attractive texts linked to their curriculum. This ap-proach can move students beyond the "literacy ceiling" to increased understand-ing, motivation, opportunity, and agency as readers and learners. These findings challenge the current policy push for remedial reading programs for poor readers, and invite further research into what factors create successful reading instruction programs for secondary school students.