Hyperphosphorylated tau and amyloid precursor protein deposition is increased in the brains of young drug abusers

Drug abuse is a major problem worldwide. The incidence of drug-related deaths attributed to opiate abuse is increasing annually. Apart from routine examination, little is known of the neuropathology of drug abuse. We, and others, have shown previously that drug abuse is associated with microglial activation. We hypothesised that neuroinflammation might lead to premature neurodegeneration in drug abusers. We investigated the brains of young opiate abusers (n=34, all<40 years) for the presence of proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases and compared them with the brains of age-matched, non-drug users (n=16) all of whom died suddenly. Detailed immunohistochemical analysis of the hippocampus, brainstem and basal ganglia for hyperphosphorylated tau, beta-amyloid, beta-amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP) and ubiquitin demonstrated an excess of AT 8-positive neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the drug abusers. These were not only more prevalent in the drug abusers than in controls (44%vs. 19%) but also involved more brain areas. In controls NFT were confined to the entorhinal cortex whereas in drug users they were also found in the subiculum, temporal neocortex, nucleus basalis of Meynert and the locus coeruleus. Virtually no amyloid plaques were present but betaAPP positivity was again much more common in drug abusers than controls (73%vs. 20% in the brainstem and 59%vs. 23% in the temporal lobe). There is no suggestion that these drug abusers had displayed major cognitive impairment although detailed neuropsychological assessment is difficult in this subject group. Likely causes of hyperphosphorylated tau deposition in drug abuse include hypoxic-ischaemic injury, microglial-associated cytokine release and possibly drug-associated neurotoxicity or hepatitis. Head injury, which is another major risk factor, does not appear to have contributed to our findings. Genetic factors also merit consideration. It is unclear at present how much of the hyperphosphorylated tau detected in these young drug abusers represents a transitory phenomenon.