Weed Control with Clomazone Alone and with Other Herbicides

The weed control spectrum of clomazone, the influence of clomazone on the performance of other herbicides, and the performance of tank mixtures containing clomazone were evaluated from 1985 through 1987. Clomazone applied preemergence at 280 g ai/ha controlled 90 to 100% of barnyardgrass, giant foxtail, goosegrass, large crabgrass, seedling johnsongrass, prickly sida, and velvetleaf. Clomazone at reduced rates was more effective applied preemergence than preplant-incorporated for 10 of 23 weed species. Clomazone enhanced imazaquin activity on entireleaf morningglory and sicklepod in 1986. A tank mixture of clomazone, imazaquin, and metribuzin at half the labeled rates reduced soybean injury, increased soybean yield, and controlled weeds as well as the mixture at labeled rates.