Power and robustness of sib-pair linkage tests and extension to larger sibships

We investigate the power and robustness of Haseman and Elstonfs sib-pair test for genetic linkage between a marker locus and a locus affecting a quantitative trait, and compare the test to that of Penrose. The Haseman-Elston test is more powerful than Penrrose's test; its power is acceptable for cases of tight linkage and high heritability due to the hypothesized quantitative trait locus, but is quite low in other situations. Computer simulations indicate that both tests are valid for normally distributed trait values, and that the Haseman-Elston test is robust for a variety of continuous distributions of the trait values. Several linkage tests are developed for sib trios that are much more powerful , for the same total number of sibs, than the test on independent sib pairs. The Haseman-Elston test on all possible sib pairs is suggested for sibships of size larger than three and for samples including sibships of various sizes.