Particle number, particle mass and NOx emission factors at a highway and an urban street in Copenhagen

This paper presents measurements of traffic-generated gas and particle pollution at two sites, one near a major highway and one near a busy urban street in Copenhagen, Denmark. Both sites were equipped for a 4-week period with a set of two measurement stations, one close to the kerbside and one background station. Measurements were carried out from March to April 2008, investigating NOx concentrations, submicrometer particle number size distribution (size range 10–700 nm), particle mass (PM2.5, PM10), and meteorological parameters. In this study we further estimate the emission factors for NOx, particle number and particle mass using measured traffic volume and dilution rate calculated by the Operational Street Pollution Model (WinOSPM). The mean concentrations of most of the measured pollutants are similar for the highway and the urban kerbside stations due to similar traffic density. The average concentrations of NOx are 142 μg m
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