Secretions of the biliary mucosa in experimental clonorchiasis

The histological change of the biliary mucosa in clonorchiasis is characterized as adenomatous hyperplasia, and cross-sectioned mucosa looks like intestinal mucosa. In addition to the glandular hyperplasia, the metaplasia of mucin secreting cells is also known. The present study investigated the presence of intestinal secretion from the biliary mucosal cells of rabbits and rats with Clonorchis sinensis infection. The rabbit was infected with 300 and the rat was infected with 100 metacercariae of C. sinensis. A part of the animals were followed up after praziquantel treatment. The rabbit livers were prepared for histochemistry to observe any endocrine secretion and the bile duct mucosa of the mice was processed for the activity of brush border membrane (BBM)-bound enzymes of the small intestine. Immunohistochemistry with the polyclonal antibodies and biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase staining kit showed no positive cells for gastrin and secretin, but a few cells were positive for serotonin. The proliferated biliary mucosa of the mice revealed no activity of disaccharidases and aminopeptidase. Only alkaline phosphatase activity was found both in the control and the infected. The hyperplastic biliary mucosal cells showed no gastrointestinal secretory functions. The serotonin secreting cells may be one of the inflammatory cells.