W+Wpair production ine+ecolliders

We investigate the possibility of using the reaction e+eW+W as a probe of the self-interactions of the electroweak gauge bosons. We modify the self-couplings of these bosons by the inclusion of an arbitrary W magnetic-moment parameter κ, the analog for the ZWW coupling κZ, and a parameter ω, measuring the relative strengths of the ZWW and γWW couplings; in the standard SU(2)L×U(1) theory these parameters are all, at tree level, unity. We calculate the dependence of the potentially observable decay-lepton angular distribution on κ, κZ, and ω and present the dependence of the total and angular differential cross sections on these parameters. We first present results appropriate to CERN LEP II and then discuss the advantages of both a polarized-beam machine at s=260 GeV and of a super-LEP operating at s=500 GeV.