Long-term Treatment with Glucocorticoids/ACTH in Asthmatic Children III..

The effect on growth of long-term treatment with prednisolone and/or ACTH1-24 (tetracosactrin) depot preparation was studied in 40 children with severe bronchial asthma. Height velocity was subnormal before treatment. During treatment the group of 17 children primarily treated with ACTH showed a moderate increase in mean velocity. Their height was not significantly altered, and neither was the age at peak height velocity nor adult height. In the group of 23 children treated with prednisolone the mean velocity decreased, resulting in a relative decrease in height. Peak height velocity was delayed by about 2 years in the boys but occurred at the expected time in the girls, as did menarche. Mean adult height was lower than expected after adjustment for mid-parenteral height. In 10 children ACTH was substituted for prednisolone, and their height velocity increased but not enough to affect adult height, which was just as low as in the patients treated with prednisolone only.