Supernumerary molars in anthropoidea, adapidae, and Archaeolemur: Implications for primate dental homologies

The model of primate dental homologies and development recently proposed by Schwartz ('75, '78) is re‐evaluated in view of documented exceptions to his account of postcanine supernumerary teeth in both anthropoids and prosimians. Schwartz concluded that catarrhines and living indriids retain only two true molars in each dental quadrant. As many as six molars on one side of the jaw can develop in rare instances in catarrhines, and supernumerary molars are also known for a wide range of other primates, including Cebidae, Adapidae, and subfossil Indriidae. Polydontia cannot be explained exclusively by atavistic development. More convincing explanations regard supernumerary teeth as the result of excessive growth of the dental lamina or localized twinning of tooth buds during early development. Conventional dental formulae of catarrhines and indriids including three permanent molars remain the most plausible.

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