The equation of state and electrical resistivity of liquid mercury at elevated temperatures and pressures

The equation of state and the electrical resistivity, ρ, of liquid mercury are accurately determined in the range 20 to 1100°C and 0 to 1000 bars. Over the range, the density, d, changes by about 20% of its room temperature value and the resistivity increases by about a factor 4. From the basic data the following thermodynamic and electrical quantities are derived, usually as functions of temperature and pressure: αp, β T , αSAT, d CRIT. C pC v, (∂ρ/∂T) v , (∂ρ/∂T)p, (∂ρ/∂V) T . The equations of isochores and isobars are given and tables presented to facilitate numerical use of the data. The results are compared with other work where possible and are discussed. Comments are made on the theory of the resistivity.