Essential Amino Acids in the Treatment of Advanced Uremia: Twenty-Two Months' Experience in a 5-Year-Old Girl

The value of conservative treatment in a case of chronic advanced renal failure was investigated in a 5-year-old girl with congenital hypoplastic kidneys. Before treatment the patient was severely anorexic and her plasma urea nitrogen was 180 mg/100 ml. Protein restriction alone was fruitless. After a transitional period on total parenteral therapy the patient was put on a maintenance oral diet, where an energy-rich diet was supplemented with essential amino acids including histidine. Plasma urea nitrogen dropped and stayed at about 50 mg/100 ml during the whole treatment in spite of a rising plasma creatinine from 10 to 24 mg/100 ml. The general condition of the patient normalized as she went into an anabolic state with weight gain and growth in height. The nitrogen balance studied in two different periods was positive. An acute attack of pancreatitis, secondary to hyperparathyroidism, ended the patient's life after 22 months of treatment.