Changing Outcome of Homozygous α-Thalassemia: Cautious Optimism

Only a few long-term survivors of homozygous alpha-thalassemia, a usually fatal condition, have been reported. The authors present a surviving infant with this disorder and discuss the complications, treatments, and implications of this genetic hemoglobinopathy. The child had no antenatal intervention and has been treated with regular transfusions. She has had normal growth and development and is currently 2.5-years-old. A literature review of survivors with Bart hemoglobinopathy reveals an intense perinatal course and a great prevalence of congenital urogenital and limb defects. Advances in antenatal diagnosis, intrauterine intervention, and postnatal treatments have resulted in extended survival of children with congenital defects that until recently were considered invariably fatal. Transfusion and chelation therapy and bone marrow transplantation provide long-term treatment and potential curative options.