Adaptive Synchronous Amplitude Demodulation

This paper introduces an adaptive technique and its analog and digital realizations to perform synchronous amplitude demodulation. The algorithm takes advantage of the tracking capability of gradient techniques. The realizations for this algorithm require minimal hardware compared to other implementations for synchronous amplitude demodulation. Either the digital or the analog realization requires at most two (2) multipliers, an adder and a subtractor. Low pass filtering will only be required for high accuracy applications. The technique and realizations introduced in this paper rely on the availability of both the modulated carrier signal and the reference carrier. The algorithm presented is similar to the LMS adaptive algorithm. The coefficients of the adaptive structure track the message signal to be detected. Simu- lation results are presented to demonstrate the effect of the sampling frequency f/sub s/, the carrier frequency f. and the message frequency f/sub m on the performance of algorithm. The algorithm was implemented in VLSI hardware. Experimental results of this implementation are also presented.

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