Performance of Adult Ineraid and Nucleus Cochlear Implant Patients after 3.5 Years of Use

Forty-two postlingually deafened adult patients, 21 with a formant extraction version of the Nucleus cochlear implant and 21 with the Ineraid cochlear implant (analog processing), were evaluated on a series of speech perception tests after using their implants for about 3.5 years. A wide range of performance was observed across patients for both devices. All but 4 patients showed an enhancement in their lipreading ability with the implant. Word recognition averaged about 14–19% correct, and word recognition in sentences averaged about 43–49% correct for the two implant groups. Average performance was superior with the Ineraid implant on consonant recognition in noise. An information transmission analysis suggested that vowel perception was influenced by first- and third-for-mant frequency for the Nucleus, and first-formant and fundamental frequency for the Ineraid patients. It appeared that the Ineraid device was more effective, on average, at conveying information about consonant nasality and frication. For consonant perception, nasality and frication contributed most to the total information transmitted for both implant types. Both devices had difficulty conveying information about vowel second-formant frequency and consonant place information. These scores at 3.5 years are substantially elevated from preoperative performance and, overall, the patients clearly benefit from their implant.