Personality characteristics of adult children of alcoholics

The study examined whether eight characteristics attributed to adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) by Woititz (1983) were supported by personality measures. The Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST) and nine scales from the California Personality Inventory and the 16-PF were administered to 166 undergraduates. Forty-nine (29%) of these subjects were identified as ACOAs. ACOAS' scores on the personality measures were compared to an age- and gender-matched control group. No differences were identified between ACOA men and control men. ACOA women were found to be more flexible, impulsive, and pessimistic, with a sense of less wellbeing than control women. A significant discriminant function correctly classified 77.6% of the women subjects. This function indicated that easygoingness, independence, self-assurance, and self-directedness are associated with status as an ACOA for women.