Directional asymmetry of body dimensions among white adolescents

Asymmetry of paired dimensions has been recognized as a methodological problem in anthropometry and more recently as an indicator of environmental stress. This study seeks to determine the extent of directional asymmetry for some of the measurements commonly made in anthropometry. Upper arm circumference, biepicondylar breadth, triceps and subscapular skinfolds, bicondylar breadth of the femur, and calf circumference were measured on right and left sides among 135 white adolescents from suburban Philadelphia. Handedness (right or nonright) was subject-assessed. Body composition was estimated through underwater weighing. Asymmetry was evaluated using a paired t test. Arm measurements are significantly asymmetric in favor of the right side; subscapular skinfolds and leg measurements are not significantly asymmetric. Among the sample of right-handed subjects (n = 116), upper arm circumference and biepicondylar breadth were significantly larger on the right side, and, among the males of this subsample, triceps was as well. The nonright-handed subjects (n = 19) did not show statistically significant asymmetry. Asymmetry was negatively but weakly related to body composition. These results are consistent with an explanation in terms of preferred use of one side of the body and consequent muscle hypertrophy, but an adequate test of this explanation requires hypothesis testing in larger samples of nonright-handed subjects.