Similarities of essential and spontaneous hypertension. Volume and number of blood cells.

Spontaneously hypertensive rats have long been used as an animal counterpart of human essential hypertension. The validation of this strain as a model rests mainly on the "clinical" similarity of the two syndromes, but it has scarcely been founded on numerical comparison of measurable parameters. We investigated three hematological indexes previously recognized to be altered in spontaneously hypertensive rats: the single-cell volume of erythrocytes, the single-cell volume of platelets, and the erythrocyte number. Erythrocyte volume was lower by 7%, platelet volume was higher by 12%, and erythrocyte count was higher by 22% in spontaneously hypertensive rats in comparison with Wistar-Kyoto controls. More unexpectedly, it was found that erythrocyte volume is lower by 2%, platelet volume is higher by 3%, and erythrocyte number is higher by 6% in essential hypertensive subjects when compared with normotensive healthy subjects. These results, combined with previously reported blood cell alterations in subjects and rats, reinforce the evidence of a biological similarity between essential and spontaneous hypertension.