Investigations into the relationship of the PPVT-R and the WISC-R with incarcerated delinquents

Examined the relationship between the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R), the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) with 35 incarcerated delinquents between the ages of 13–10 and 16–10. Mean scaled scores were computed across all measures. A statistically significant difference (p <. 01) between the PPVT-R mean scaled score and all other measures was obtained. The PPVT-R correlated significantly (p <. 0001) with the WISC-R VIQ (r = 0.87), PIQ (r = 0.78), FSIQ (r = 0.86) and the PPVT (r = 0.80), whereas the original PPVT demonstrated significant yet lower correlations with the WISC-R VIQ (r = 0.78), PIQ (r = 0.77) and FSIQ (r = 0.80). The clinical significance of utilizing the PPVT-R as a measure of receptive vocabulary and its practical relationship to the PPVT and WISC-R with a juvenile delinquent population was discussed.

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