Vehicle performance tests of the Ford/GE first generation single-shaft (ETX-I) alternating current propulsion system

This report is concerned with the test and evaluation of the ETX-I electric test vehicle, which is a Mercury LN7 retrofitted with the single-shaft AC electric powertrain developed by Ford and General Electric under contract to the US Department of Energy (DOE) during the period 1982--1985. The lead-acid battery used in the ETX-I was developed by Lucas Chloride Electric Vehicle (EV) Systems (LCEVS) as part of the same DOE contract. Extensive tests of the powertrain and battery were done by General Electric and Lucas Chloride before they were integrated into the ETX-I test vehicle by Ford. Ford did limited testing of the ETX-I vehicle on a chassis dynamometer to determine the energy consumption of the powertrain for several driving schedules before the vehicle was shipped to INEL for complete dynamometer testing. Ford also performed track tests with the ETX-I to determine its acceleration performance characteristics. 8 refs., 36 figs., 13 tabs.

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