Values are given of max. permissible body burden, Q, and max. permissible concn., MPC, in air and water of 70 radioisotopes. These values are published in a handbook prepared by the National (U. S.) Committee on Radiation Protection. In a few oases the values are based on human experience, but in most cases they are calculated, using data from animal expts. Q represents the microcuries of radioisotope deposited in the total body that will deliver 0.3 rem/wk. to the critical organ, i.e., the one receiving the radioisotope that results in the greatest over-all damage to the body. MPC values are the concns. of radioisotopes in air or water that lead to an accumulation, Q, in the body over an extended period. Equilibrium is generally reached in a few wks. MPC values for air and water for emergency situations are given. A large dose of ionizing radiation is delivered by an airborne particle of high specific activity if it becomes fixed in living tissue. In setting MPC values for air it is important to determine whether such localized radiation increases the probability of tumor occurrence.

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