From the structure of statocysts, in the so‐called phylogenetic tree of the Cephalopoda, the genus Scaeurgus is to be placed on the same branch as Polypus.Meleagroteuthis has the same number of processes as Watasenia, Enoploteuthis, Abralia, Illex, and Stigmatoteuthis, which have ten processes, but in this genus the structure of statocysts seems to be tolerably well developed. For this reason, the author places this genus as a branch between Abralia and Illex.Those three genera—Gonatus, Sthenoteuthis, and Onychoteuthis—which have eleven processes in a statocyst are to be placed in the same branch as Berryteuthis, Gonatopsis, Ommastrephes, Eucleoteuthis, Moroteuthis, and Symplectoteuthis, which have the same number of processes; of these, Gonatus, which has the most primitive structure of the statocyst, is to be put in the lowest position on that branch; but Sthenoteuthis, which has the same structure of the organ as Ommastrephes, is to be placed on the twig near Ommastrephes; and, lastly, Onychoteuthis has the same organ as that of Moroteuthis, which fact induces the author to set this genus in the position nearest to Moroteuthis.The statocyst of Lolliguncula corresponds exactly to that of Loligo, which has twelve processes; this condition puts this genus on the same twig as Loligo.

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