Absorption spectra of solid para- and normal hydrogen in the first overtone region

Solid hydrogen crystals of both para and normal species were grown in a glass cell 6.4 cm long and 1.0 cm in diameter using liquid-helium cryogenics apparatus. Their infrared-absorption spectra were recorded in the first overtone region 80009400 cm1. The absolute intensities of several zero-phonon transitions of the type Q2(J), Q1(J)+Q1(J), S2(J), Q2(J)+S0(J), Q1(J)+S1(J), S2(J)+S0(J), and S1(J)+S1(J) and those of the accompanying phonon branches QR and SR were measured. The observed spectra clearly demonstrate that there is no contribution to the intensity of the pure overtone QR phonon branch from isotropic electron overlap induction mechanism. This is in striking contrast to the observations in the fundamental band of either solid [H. P. Gush, W. F. J. Hare, E. J. Allin, and H. L. Welsh, Can. J. Phys. 38, 176 (1960)] or gaseous [S. P. Reddy, G. Varghese, and R. D. G. Prasad, Phys. Rev. A 15, 975 (1977)] hydrogen.