Retinal Glycogen

The discovery that glycolytic enzymes in the retina are concentrated in Müller's fibers1prompted an inquiry into the distribution of substrates for glycolysis. Glycogen is the most readily demonstrable of the substrates, and the present paper is a report of our studies on the histochemical distribution of retinal glycogen both in a variety of species and under various conditions. A preliminary report was presented at the meeting of the International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry in 1960. The quantity and distribution of glycogen in the retina have been controversial since Ehrlich noted its presence in frog retinas as early as 1883.2Thus, early investigators3denied that the normal rabbit retina had sufficient glycogen to be histochemically demonstrable, at least by the methods then available (carmine and iodine). Subsequently others found traces in the rabbit retina4; others reported finding variable amounts5; and still others found what

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