Motor Output of the Denervated Thoracic Ventral Nerve Cord in the Stick Insect Carausius Morosus

The denervated thoracic ventral nerve cord produces a motor output which is similar to that observed in the intact animal during irregular leg movements (seeking movements) or rocking, but not walking. When the nerves to some legs are left intact, and the animal walks on a wheel, the motor output in the protractor and retractor motor neurones of the denervated legs is modulated by the stepping frequency of the walking legs. The modulation is similar to that observed in the motor output to a not actually stepping leg of an intact walking animal. When only the crural nerve of one leg is left intact, stimulation of the trochanteral campaniform sensilli induces protractor and retractor motor output to that leg and the leg behind it. In this case the motor output to the ipsilateral leg is in phase. Stimulation of the femoral chordotonal organ influences activity in motor neurones of the extensor tibiae (FETi and SETi) but not those of the protractor and retractor coxae muscles. In a restrained leg of an intact animal stretching of the femoral chordotonal organ excites FETi and SETi as long as the other legs walk (as in a walking leg) and inhibits FETi and SETi (as in a seeking leg) when the other legs are unable to walk.